Collins asks Allen to oppose TV ad
Election 2008: Allen says he's also been the target of negative ads aired by third parties.
State campgrounds notice change in habits
Gas prices don't stop people from camping, they're just doing it differently, owners say.
Air base set for last show
The Navy's Blue Angels, the Army's Golden Knights and other daredevils will pull out all the stops for the last extravaganza aat BNAS.
Workplaces, partisan politics don't mix
Employees and managers have to consider what's appropriate to discuss.
Amid farm fields, machine guns get a workout
A farmer in North Anson frees up a secluded area so Maine soldiers can train for potential combat.
A few key staffers leave as governor enters final years
Top officials often look for other jobs at this stage, observers say.
On first day, distractions
Hurricane concerns, Palin revelations grab the spotlight
Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin could give the GOP an edge, but her inexperience will be an issue.
Consumers able to sit tight can do just that and have confidence that values will rebound.
RON BANCROFTWhat's behind those 'card-check' ads? Unions want a leg up
The change a new law would make would turn what is now a private process into a public one.
Bangor Daily News
ST. PAUL — The Republican National Convention convened Monday, but the short official session was all business. Maine delegates attending the
MILLINOCKET, Maine — The Katahdin Avenue paper mill, which was due to cease
Collins, Allen battle over 3rd-party ads
AUGUSTA, Maine (AP) — Maine’s U.S. Senate candidates, Tom Allen and Susan Collins, are sparring over a new series of campaign ads aired by a
School enrollment expected to decline to below 190,000
AUGUSTA, Maine — Public school enrollment in the United States will hit an all-time high this fall with nearly 50 million students, but in Maine
Still no Exit Plan
Mike Michaud: Obama-Biden a ticket that Mainers should support
There have been some major developments in the presidential race recently
Kennebec Journal
High gas prices are having an impact, but vacationers are still spending time in Maine
With gas prices on the rise, the age-old tradition of piling into a motor home for a road-trip has seen better days.
Station's new format not pleasing to everyone Switch to all-sports on WLOB has many missing the voices of Fox Morning News hosts
Rep. Thomas Saviello didn't always agree with the opinions of WLOB Fox Morning News hosts Ray Richardson and Ted Talbot.
Baldacci to be surrounded by new faces
Gov. John Baldacci will enter his last two years in office with a slightly altered staff lineup.
McCain pick of political newbie a bit dicey
President of what? A college? A trade association? A community group?DAVID B. OFFER :
Obama's listeners heard about the power of dreams
Barack Obama delivered a powerful speech to the Democratic convention and -- more importantly -- the nation Thursday night.
Moderate Republicans can't moderate GOP
Maine's Republican-owned media continues to softball Sen. Susan Collins. If Maine wanted a senator completely independent of party we should have elected an Angus King.
Bicycle users should share cost of road maintenance
Now that by law we share the roads with bicycles, maybe it's time that bicycle users share the cost of maintenance with us.
College presidents should fight binge drinking
On college presidents and reducing the drinking age -- Some college presidents have identified the law about when you can drink legally as "part of the problem."
Sun Journal
AUGUSTA (AP) - Maine's U.S. Senate candidates, Tom Allen and Susan Collins, are sparring over a new series of campaign ads aired by a third party.
Navy base to host last air show
BRUNSWICK (AP) - The Navy's Blue Angels will roar overhead in a demonstration of jet-powered precision flying. Other nationally acclaimed stunt pilots will perform daring rolling and tumbling acrobatics, and a couple will engage in mock dogfights.
Maine delegation: Response appropriate
ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) - Maine delegation leaders say canceling highlights to the Republican National Convention was an appropriate response given the threat to the Gulf Coast posed by Hurricane Gustav.
Gustav, Palin issues buffet GOP convention
ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) - Republicans, determined to propel John McCain to the White House, opened their storm-shortened national convention on Monday amid distractions involving running mate Sarah Palin. Police made more than 250 arrests in the surrounding streets as anti-war protests turned violent.
Fault the law, not the schools
The annual troubles of the Lewiston school system's diversity and the strict standards of No Child Left Behind are growing worse. This year, four schools failed to make "adequate yearly progress," which some consider equal to a "failing school."
State leads efforts to protect workers
Rising unemployment, home foreclosures, unaffordable fuel and heating oil: these tidings of our nation's economic downturn under the Bush administration's failed policies were hardly cause for celebration this Labor Day. However, when misfortune becomes the common thread of a people, their solidarity can unravel policies that have put them at a disadvantage and failed the common good. This solidarity is central to the history of Labor Day and to Maine's commitment to empower and protect the rights of our workforce.
End of summer means real campaign begins
It's hard to be a hero in America. John Kerry learned that the hard way. He returned from the war in Vietnam, decorated by his grateful country, and turned on the men he had left behind, accusing them of crimes and atrocities. Years later, after he "reported for duty" as the nominee of his party, he was "Swift-boated" by men with whom he had served. Turnabout may or may not have been fair play, but it was enough to sink Kerry's boat.
Maine Delegation Reacts to Suspension of Convention
Maine GOP hopes to recoup 2006 losses