Mainers pause to remember 9/11 attack victims, survivors
Communities plan events to mark the seven-year anniversary.
Top teacher glad to share extra credit
Colleagues and students in Westbrook see Maine’s Teacher of the Year as loving, patient, caring and tenacious.
Portland man recovering after attack for 'looking gay,' police say
Police seek the public's help in identifying the two suspects in the assault.
Blethen Newspapers, union agree to arbitrate differences
The decision puts a lawsuit, filed over a contract dispute, on hold.
Leaf-peeping is looking up
Maine's fall foliage should be 'magnificent,' thanks to summer rains, the first report of the year says.
President should boost standing, Mitchell says
The next leader of the U.S. must restore confidence in the nation's leadership around the world, he says.
Obama accuses McCain campaign of 'lies and phony outrage'
The Democratic candidate responds to the GOP charge that his 'lipstick' comment was sexist.
The government has a role to play encouraging home ownership, but not speculation.
The democratic process is how we must determine our response to the new reality.
Casting the race as The Two Elitists facing The Redneck Duo does the country no favors.
It is possible for large nations to become far less dependent on oil, and here’s one way to do it.
Bangor Daily News
MILLINOCKET, Maine - The Maine Department of Labor will deploy a Rapid Response
AUGUSTA, Maine — A heating oil industry official had sobering news Wednesday
PORTLAND, Maine — Former U.S. Senate Majority Leader George J. Mitchell, a
BANGOR, Maine - Members of Maine’s Land Use Regulation Commission spent most
Sept. 11, Seven Years Later
Flexible School Days
Kennebec Journal
Days of infamy
September 11, 2001. Ask anyone, and they will be able to tell you where they were and what they were doing that Tuesday morning.
Criticism arises about planned merger of bank, credit union
AUGUSTA -- The trade association representing Maine's credit unions on Wednesday mounted an effort to prevent an Augusta credit union from merging with an Augusta bank.
AUGUSTA Emergency cited in allowing blasting
AUGUSTA -- A need for more rock to stabilize a riverbank in Winslow made for an "emergency" requiring blasting this week in Augusta.
AUGUSTA -- Parent teacher associations and other groups raising funds for the city's public schools can now sell something at community events and at schools, the local sports boosters have been able to sell all along -- junk food.
LITCHFIELD Property tax rate rises slightly
LITCHFIELD -- Residents will pay a little more in property taxes this year and may see another revaluation effort -- this one of building interiors -- begin within a year.
CHINA Subdivision plans draw comments
CHINA -- Members of the public had comments at both public hearings at Tuesday's Planning Board meeting.
School merger committee chooses new leadership
READFIELD -- The committee planning the merger of the Fayette, Maranacook-area and Winthrop school systems decided on a change in management at a meeting Tuesday night.
State's registry of sex offenders needs revamping
Sex offenders are among the most reviled members of society. Their crimes are often heinous, and a sampling of the punishment deemed appropriate by some Mainers includes hanging, lifetime imprisonment and castration. Those are the polite terms.
KAY RAND : Partisan parties over; tell us how you think, plan to solve problems
The big parties thrown by the Republicans in St. Paul and the Democrats in Denver are over and I'm wondering if I'm the only person who feels even more disenfranchised because of them.
'Magnificent' fall foliage expected
AUGUSTA (AP) - The state has kicked off its 50th year of fall foliage reports with an announcement that Maine's forests are healthy and on track to produce "magnificent" color.
State considering requiring EKGs for dental work
Maine dental patients may soon have to submit to EKGs in order to receive some types of sedation.
The way neuroses should be
Not so friendly. Not so trusting. Not so big on rules.
Iberdrola accepts Energy East buyout terms
ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) - Global energy company Iberdrola has accepted a series of conditions New York regulators placed on its buyout of Energy East and plans to go ahead with the $4.6 billion deal.
Cops seize phony money
LEWISTON - Since the start of spring, police and government agents have been investigating counterfeit money being passed around the city.
Remembering 9/11
Today is the seventh anniversary of the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. Milestone anniversaries are generally observed at one year, at five years and every five years thereafter. So, today is not a milestone anniversary, except that it is.
McCain must first identify problems, not allies
Why do Republicans constantly talk about compromise and bipartisanship when Democrats almost never do and when they do, don't mean it? Democrats rarely compromise when they are in the majority.
Charitable Efforts Could Lead to Legal Action
Court Urges Blethen Maine and Newspaper Union to Settle Score
Use of Electrodes By Dentists Raises Controversy
USM Professor Authors Book on Medical Marijuana
Green Jobs Promoted
The Race for Governor - Is it 2010 yet? (Democrats)
Post-primary, Strimling trains young politicos
Former Alaskan to speak to Kennebec Dems about Palin
Diamond, Mitchell lead in individual PAC money
Ellsworth American
Proposed Upgrade Has Maine Between a Shock and a Hard Place
AUGUSTA — A proposed $2-billion upgrade to the state’s electric transmission system is contingent, the utility companies say, on Maine not only staying in but expanding its ties with the organization that oversees the New England power grid.
Christian Group to Survey Voters
AUGUSTA — The Maine Jeremiah Project is working to let voters know where legislative candidates stand on abortion and same-sex marriage, using its network of evangelical churches to get the word out.
Superintendent Decision On Dirigo Assessment Due by Sept. 23
AUGUSTA — Maine’s superintendent of insurance has until Sept. 23 to decide if she will allow up to $80 million to be collected from health insurance companies and self-insured businesses — and the people and employees they cover — to pay for the state’s subsidized health plan known as DirigoChoice.
Time for Substance, not Sound Bites
Barack Obama has been running for president since Feb. 10, 2007. John McCain declared his candidacy just 10 weeks later. But when it comes to a serious discussion of the issues confronting this nation, there’s been far too little in the way of substance. Now the Democratic and Republican conventions are over and the thousands of partisan cheerleaders have returned to their home states. Just 54 days remain until Election Day Nov. 4.